Eaves Lintels
IG L1/E lintels are designed to provide support over cavities at eaves level. They are manufactured from high quality grade galvanised steel to BS EN 10346:2009 DX51D standard plus Z600.
The eaves lintel has a shortened outer flange to allow the underside of the soffit board to be positioned tight against the window frame. It must be noted that brickwork cannot be built onto the outer flange of an eaves lintels. Masonry is built on the inner leaf only.
The loading figures are achieved by considering the lintel and masonry as a composite unit.
The lintel must have a minimum end bearing of 150mm on each side of the opening bedded on mortar. Level the lintel along its length and across its width. The lintel must be positioned to ensure that the masonry is built against the vertical upstand of the lintel. Masonry should be bedded on mortar and all perpendicular joints filled with mortar.
A continuous timber wall plate must extend along the masonry immediately above the lintel.
Lintel may be propped to facilitate speed of construction.